The Art of Medicine — Touchstone: A heart to heart encounter

This is the first time I’ve seen this patient; I’m thankful that I took a few moments to review the problem list before I stepped into the examination room. more»

Interested readers can now access my latest Art of Medicine column — Touchstone: A heart to heart encounter — recently published in the Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants.

Please note that all of my previously published Art of Medicine pieces can now be accessed here.

The Art of Medicine — Savoring the moment

“Your first patient of the day is ready in Room 11—a 21-year-old in for his yearly exam,” the nurse says. “He’s dropped his weight by 50 pounds over the past 12 months, down to 196.”

I look up from the news article on self-care splayed open on my desk. Perhaps I might learn something from this patient about how he managed his weight loss, I muse, as I rise from my chair and head down the back hallway. more»

Interested readers can now access my latest Art of Medicine column — Savoring the moment — recently published in the Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants.

Please note that all of my previously published Art of Medicine pieces can now be accessed here.

The Art of Medicine — His song

The nurse has adjusted the ventilation mask on the infant’s face. Mist leaks from the mask as the baby reclines contently in the mother’s lap. Soft music plays from her smart phone next to the child’s ear. “Mom says he always calms right down with this tune,” the nurse says. more»

Interested readers can now access my latest Art of Medicine column — His song — recently published in the Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants.

Please note that all of my previously published Art of Medicine pieces can now be accessed here.

The Art of Medicine — Care in the time of COVID

“Have we got any issues, George?” his mother says. “Have we?” She turns to me. “No, we haven’t got any issues. We are so done with COVID-19,” she says. “So done.” more»

Interested readers can now access my latest Art of Medicine column — Care in the time of COVID — recently published in the Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants.

Please note that all of my previously published Art of Medicine pieces can now be accessed here.

The Art of Medicine — Do you believe in magic?

In pediatric practice a sleight of hand might produce unintended consequences. more»

Interested readers can now access my latest Art of Medicine column — Do you believe in magic? — recently published in the Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants.

Please note that all of my previously published Art of Medicine pieces can now be accessed here.

The Art of Medicine — A slice of life

“Can I see your first patient of the morning with you?” the new student asks. “It’s a laceration, here to be glued.”

An interesting way to present a patient, I think to myself as I escort the student into the examination room. more»

Interested readers can now access my latest Art of Medicine column — A slice of life — recently published in the Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants.

Please note that all of my previously published Art of Medicine pieces can now be accessed here.

The Art of Medicine — Father wounds: Dealing with loss

“This 17-year-old boy is here for a physical exam,” the nurse says, handing me the chart. “He hasn’t been in for 2 years. He needs his meningitis vaccine to start college this fall. His mother’s out in the waiting room. Oh, and there’s a sticky note posted inside: looks like his father died this past spring.” more»

Interested readers can now access my latest Art of Medicine column — Father wounds: Dealing with loss — recently published in the Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants.

Please note that all of my previously published Art of Medicine pieces can now be accessed here.

The Art of Medicine — Weekend call: Sifting the salient points

I can tell that the only way to reassure this young mother would be to see the child. “Where do you live?” She tells me the address in a nearby community. “Could you bring her to our office at 11 a.m.? more»

Interested readers can now access my latest Art of Medicine column — Weekend call: Sifting the salient points — recently published in the Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants.

Please note that all of my previously published Art of Medicine pieces can now be accessed here.

The Art of Medicine: Caring for a new mother

I don’t recognize the infant’s name that appears on my mid-morning schedule. At 13 days of age, he’s coming in for a weight and nutrition check.

The nurse steps out of the examination room, easing the door closed behind her. She’s got a frown on her face. “He really hasn’t gained any weight since last week—only half an ounce in 6 days.” more»

Interested readers can now access my latest Art of Medicine column — Caring for a new mother — recently published in the Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants.

Please note that all of my previously published Art of Medicine pieces can now be accessed here.

The Art of Medicine: The big and the little

The patient squats by the step stool in the examination room, peering at pictures as she turns the pages of the little big-book. She squeals with delight at the moo cow; she claps her tiny hands at the puppy dog and looks up at me expectantly to validate her joy.

Her mother sits in the chair opposite, leaning forward, elbows resting on her knees, only the hint of a smile on her face. “So what do we do this time?” she asks in a slightly defeated tone of voice. more»

Interested readers can now access my latest Art of Medicine column — The big and the little — recently published in the Journal of the American Academy of Physician Assistants.

Please note that all of my previously published Art of Medicine pieces can now be accessed here.